Appendix B — Version changes

The PostgreSQL version of the database on the Waterway Ecosystem Research Group ‘water’ server always holds the most up-to-date version of the mwstr database. Most recent changes are documented at the end of this appendix. If the final listed version is pending, the changes have not yet been committed to the downloadable gpkg version of the database. Past versions are available here.

B.1 Version 1.2

The changes made converting version 1.1 to 1.2 are described throughout the main part of this document. The following describes changes from version 1.0 to version 1.1 in January 2020.

Many reaches of the stream layer in version 1.0 had many small non-contiguous segments allocated to incorrect reaches. These have all been corrected now so that all confluences meet at the terminal nodes of the relevant segments.

The subcatchment layer was recalculated using the corrected stream layer, and now every subcatchment contains a matching stream reach (in v1.0 7,546 subcatchments had no matching stream reach). This improvement removed the need for a linking table (mwsubc_streams in v1.0) between the streams and subcs tables. All information that was in the mwsubc_streams table in v1.0 is in the subcs table of v1.1).

Selecting and calculating related reaches upstream and downstream in the network is handled more efficiently in v1.1 using array fields in the postgreSQL database for the allus (all upstream) and allds (all downstream) fields. This increased efficiency, and the derivation of the cats table removed the need for the ‘florets’ table, which was a feature of v1.0, no longer included in v1.1.

~1,100 km of additional stream length have been added with additional stream extensions

The reach code conventions have been revised from version 1.0. Instead of each reach being identified by a set four-digit code equal to 1000 times log10(catchment area in 100-m2), a variable-length integer of the catchment area in ha is now used. All subcatchments differ from their neighbouring subcatchments on the same stream line by at least 1 ha. 16 subcatchments downstream of small tributaries differed by <1 ha. For those cases, catchment areas were rounded up or down to ensure no duplicate reach codes.

Numerous minor changes made to reachcode field of small segments of mwstr to correct mismatches with mwsubc, in most cases where the subcatchment boundaries (angular polygons based on 5-m gridcell DEM) crossed the finer-resolution stream lines. This class of errors affects a small percentage of stream lines, and have been corrected opportunistically as we use the network. Certainly other errors remain, but should not cause significant errors in stream length estimation. Please report any such remaining errors to Chris Walsh for correction in future versions.

The strcode for WLB (trib of QC7) was recoded to Q71, and WLB was used for consistency with past practice for Wallaby Creek in the Goulburn catchment in the north of Kinglake State Park. Stream lines and new subcatchments were added for Wallaby Creek (as this stream is managed by Melbourne Water). Therefore two new stream names (WLB, Wallaby Creek, and PO1 Poley Creek) were added to the stream_names table (and Q71 revised); and five new stream lines added to mwstr and five new subcatchments added to subcs.

Twenty streamcodes such as 3E3 were easily misread by computers as scientific notation (e.g. 3E3 could be 3000), causing potential confusion. All 20 were converted to non-ambiguous codes in all tables. The altered codes and stream names are listed in Table B.1.

Finally we checked the stream layer and subcatchment spatial data for topological errors in ArcGIS. The “Repair Geometry” tool was used to remove null geometries. Topology checks found numerous overlaps in stream lines at catchment boundaries, self-intersections and overlaps in the subcatchment polygons, all of which we fixed manually.

Table B.1: Ambiguous stream codes using in v1.0 of the stream database and the new codes that replace them in v1.1.

Old code

New code









































The nextds_strcode field in the stream_names table was updated for all streams that drain to the sea. In v1.1 nextds_strcode equalled “sea”. This field now specifies the marine segment to which the stream drains or, in the case of several inland streams, the Goulburn catchment. The marine segments used in the table are listed in Table A2-2.

B.2 Version 1.3

I transformed the projection of all spatial tables from GDA 1994 MGA Zone 55 (EPSG 28355) to GDA 2020 MGA Zone 55 (EPSG 7855).

A small number of line and subcatchment corrections were made from 1.2 to 1.3, mostly at confluences that are in fact waterbodies, to make the stream network database more compatible with the waterbodies network (for DoR calculation). A new headwater stream (RJ3) was added as identified by Walsh et al. (2022).

The allus_ds table listing all upstream and downstream sites for each site in the subcatchment table included in earlier versions is omitted from version 1.3, as its utility has been replaced by implementation of the rapid igraph (Csardi and Nepusz 2006) algorithm for returning upstream and downstream sites, and the method of rapid iterative compilation of full network data using the agg_order field in the subcs table.

The subcatchment raster, r_site, was revised using the corrected subcatchments, and the r_d2ol (distance to outlet) raster was revised to correct several compilation errors in the 1.2 version.

The major change for version 1.3 was the finalization and collation of the environmental variable tables following the delivery of the Nearmap land cover data in early 2023.

B.2.1 Version 1.3.1 (pending)

The seven linked tables quantifying stream barriers (stream_barriers, barriers_waterbodies, streamflow_gauges, barriers_pipe_conc, fishways, barriers_sources, and barrier_types) were added, and used to add metrics n_full_barriers_ds_1996, n_part_barriers_ds_1996, n_full_barriers_ds_2023, n_part_barriers_ds_2023 to the subc_env table. (see Chapter 10). Metadata for these new tables were added to the metadata table.

Fields sep_per_km2,c_basalt, and c_granite (see Chapter 5) were added to the cat_env table, and the metadata table was updated accordingly.

A network correction was made to the nextdownid value in the streams table for hydroid 154195 (from 114824 to 114825).

The type field in the streams table for a piped reach of Eummemmering Creek [site IN (357656, 85847, 85778, 85774, 357660, 357658, 357662, 357664, 86639, 86611)] and all reaches of its tributary (strcode 2CF, actually a council stormwater pipe) was changed to pipe. They had been incorrectly classed as “channel” and “stream extensions” respectively.

An error in effective imperviousness computation was corrected. This correction made little or no difference for most reaches in the network, but EI values (all years) of a small proportion of peri-urban reaches have changed substantially from version 1.3. The error was a result of d2str_m not being populated correctly for some of the stormwater pipe catchments in the conn_subcs table. That table and conn_pps have been revised.