This tool provides a rapid means of summarising hydrologic time series data based on a suite of graphical and statistical summaries that are widely used in hydrology. Details of the summary metrics and various options are provided on the help page (last tab) and in the options panel to the left of the page.
Several example datasets are provided, and these can be selected and viewed on the second tab to see how data should be formatted.The Barham River dataset includes a 'factor' variable demonstrating how to split the dataset into multiple time periods, each of which is analysed seperately.
Data from multiple gauges or runoff scenarios can also be analysed simultaneously by stacking the time series in long-format in Excel or similar, with a third column used to indicate the name of the gauge (or scenario).
The tables and plots will update dynamically as a different sample dataset is selected, new data are uploaded, or different options are selected.
Running an analysis
The mains steps are:
1. Select whether to examine one of the sample datasets or upload your own data in the left panel
2. Select a sample dataset or file to upload. Note that the tool can deal with missing data but some form of infilling is recommended
3. Check the data in the Data Sample tab, adjusting the date format until Dates are visible.
4. Switch to the Data Summary tab
5. Select appropriate options for your analysis using options in the left panel
6. Each plot can be downloaded using the buttons at the bottom of the left panel. Tables can also be copied and pasted directly into word processing software.
Developer details:
The tool was developed by Nick Bond ( using R and packages Shiny, hydrostats and ggplot
File Name
File Name
Time-series plot
Summary statistics
Monthly means
Monthly baseflow means
Monthly means plot
Cease-to-flow spells
Low spell statistics
Annual low spell statistics
High spell statistics
Annual high spell statistics
Partial series
High spell frequency vs duration
Annual flow duration curve (FDC)
Seasonal Periods
Seasonal High spell statistics
Seasonal flow duration curve
File Name
The name of the file that was uploaded
Time-series plot
Plot of the time-series
Summary statistics
Basic summary information, including start and end dates, min, mean, median and maximum flows.
Monthly means
Table of mean monthly flows
Monthly means plot
Plot of mean monthly flows. By ticking the 'include baseflow panel' in the sidebar, the plot includes a second panel showing mean flow on days that are dominated by baseflow (defined as days on which the baseflow index (calculated using the Lynne-Hollick (LH) Filter (a=0.975) is >0.9. This can be useful in understanding streamflow patterns in highly flashy systems
Cease-to-flow spells
Cease to flow statistics:
p.CTF Fraction time cease to flows occur
avg.CTF Average cease-to-flow spell duration
med.CTF Median cease-to-flow spell duration
min.CTF Minimum cease-to-flow spell duration
max.CTF Maximum cease-to-flow spell duration
Low spell statistics
ls.threshold The low spell threshold applied in the analysis Minimum duration of spell events Average duration of spell events Median duration of spell events Maximum duration of spell events
ls.freq The frequency of spell events (no. per year)
Annual low flow statistics
avg.min.ann The average annual minimum flow
cv.min.ann The coefficient of variation of annual minimum flows
ann.min.timing The average day of the year (0-366) on which the minimum flow(s) occur circular standard deviation of the average timing of annual minimum flows
High spell statistics
hs.threshold The high spell threshold applied in the analysis The number of events in the series greater than or equal to the high.spell.threshold
spell.freq The frequency of spell events (no. per year)
ari Average Recurrence Interval of events in years (1/spell.freq)
min.hs.duration Average duration of spell events
avg.hs.duration Average duration of spell events
med.hs.duration Median duration of spell events
max.hs.duration Maximum duration of spell events
avg.spell.peak Average spell peak
sd.spell.peak Standard deviation of spell speaks
avg.rise Average absolute rate of daily rise during spell events
avg.fall Average absolute rate of daily fall during spell events
Annual high spell statistics
avg.max.ann The average annual maximum flow
cv.max.ann The coefficient of variation of annual maximum flows
flood.skewness The average annual maximum / mean daily flow
ann.max.timing The average day of the year (0-366) on which maximum flows occur circular standard deviation of the average timing of annual maximum flows
avg.ann.duration The average duration of the annual maximum spells
cv.ann.duration The coefficient of variation of the duration of annual maximum spells
Partial series statstics
n.years The number of years in the partial series The number of events in the partial series
flow.threshold The peak volume of the smallest event in the partial series
avg.duration The average duration of events in the series
max.duration The maximum duration of events in the series
Spell frequency vs duration
A plot showing the frequency vs duration of events above a user defined threshold (percentile or magnitude)
Flow duration curve
Flow duration curve
Seasonal Periods
A table indicating the allocation of individual months to intra-annual periods defined for seasonal analyses (NULL if not defined).
Seasonal High spell statistics
As for the high spell statistics, but defined seperately for individual seasons
Seasonal flow duration curve
Seasonal flow duration curve